Category Archives: Levin

Levinism as the new Leninism

This is how the  future of democratic party looks

There is new political doctrine around. Its called Levinism after senator Levin!

As similarly sounding and ideologically related Leninism of Russia, Levinism is looking for the defeat of its own country in a war in order to gain a political advantages for own party .

Levin Urges Republicans to Back His Troop Withdrawal Plan. He said :”If those Republicans who say they want a change in course in Iraq will vote for one, we can start bringing our troops home and force the Iraqi political leaders to take responsibility for their own country,” (source)The question is what then??? According to the doctrine of levinism it will be peace and all of the USA will live happily ever after !!!

Let us for the sake of argument presume that Iraq invasion was a mistake. Can Dems due to their anti republican paranoia not see that withdrawal , as they see, it will be even bigger mistake? Granted, war is not going well. So what ? The normal thinking would be how to change the situation and to win. But they even do not want to think about winning. Why? Because winning in Iraq will make republicans stronger.

It is surreal to me but the fact: Pelosi cannot meet Petraeus but she found time to visit Bashar Al-ASSAD!

This is the real face of democratic party today . Party which has same demands as our enemy. In fact all those demands by Democrats to “ stop the war” are identical to demands of Taliban , Al-qaida, Iran and others.


The problem is that with no leadership from white house (and Bush provides none) they got a huge opening to exercise virtually unchallenged demagoguery . Liberal press is spinning everything in vacuum left by Bush’s inability to articulate a position of the USA in this global war.

We are facing the new Revolutionary Defeatism coming form the left

Levin said :


“It would require the President to begin reducing U.S. forces in Iraq within 120 days”

I bet al-quaida and Iran second this motion . Any doubts??

    • “It would limit the mission of our remaining troops to protecting our service-members and diplomats; training Iraqi security forces; and conducting operations against al-Qaeda; with the transition to those missions to be completed by next April”

Limit mission of troops by self protection? How about to limit mission of police on the dangerous neighborhoods by self-protection? Conducting operations against al-Qaeda? Like what ? How? What are priorities? Self-protection of troops or conducting operations?

    • “It would require a comprehensive diplomatic, political and economic effort to help create and sustain stability in the region.”

This is hilarious! Any examples of “comprehensive diplomatic, political and economic effort to help create and sustain stability in the region”? Oslo? Oil for food program? Levin sounds sometimes like Lenin, sometimes like Chamberlain. Very odd combination.

Situation is that: We are fighting a new type of war. War without rules with enemy with no face. It is difficult to figure out how to fight this war and therefore we are loosing precious lives of our troops. Leadership is bad or rather there is no leadership at all.

Solution how democrats see it: run away .They suggest us to forget everything and pretend it never happened. Let us pretend that USA was not attacked on 9/11and let us hope that the world will love us again after we retreat. Sounds silly? May be if you would remember that defeat in Iraq is inevitably a political defeat of Bush and by proxy defeat of GOP it is not that silly for Democrats . They see their gains on anti war sentiment in 2006 . After all they have nothing else what separates them from GOP. They are similarly corrupted. And similarly incapable to achieve anything in congress. So they rely solemnly on ending the war and by ending the war winning political power. It is exactly what Lenin did during WW1: he used the national tragedy as an instrument of grabbing the power.

May be Bush must be impeached but not for starting the war, but for not fighting the war he started. He must be impeached for not winning the war and wasting precious lives of our troops, not by not letting them fight. But Levin definitely must be called for what he is , traitor and defeatist-demagogue .

He calls for accepting a defeat and then negotiating a victory!!!



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Filed under Al-qaida, Analysis, Bashar Al-ASSAD, Bush, GOP, impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Lenin, Leninism, Levin, middle east, Pelosi, politic, Republicans, Taliban, Uncategorized, United States, USA, war