Category Archives: Perl Harbor

Why we attacked Iraq? Why we attacked Nazi Germany? pacifism as aggressive wishful thinking

Why we attacked Iraq? Why we attacked Nazi Germany?

It never attacked the USA. Japan did , not Germany ! Why after Perl Harbor we invaded … Normandy??? Following the logic of today’s antiwar people we had to go after Japan , even not after Japan but after admiral Yamamoto ,personally . We supposed to find him and sue him.

Should war be a last resort? Why? To save lies? Does really refusal to go to war saving lives? If Hitler would be attacked in 1938 it would be an aggression, but it would save millions of lives . Pacifism historically killed more people than militarism because pacifism is inviting violence by ignoring first signs of violence. Our main problem is not on the battlefield but at home with those who want to be safe but who want to do nothing in order to be safe .

Pacifism is not an ideology of kindness it is essentially ideology of indifference and laziness . French in 1939 believed that it is better occupation than a war . They did survive nicely WW2 . Why? Because their refusal to fight for themselves was compensated by Englishmen , Russians and Americans who rescued them paying bloody price .They, not French did a dirty job bombing and killing , why ? in part to rescue French. But guess what , nobody going to rescue the USA if it will need help. It is already more than obvious . So if even we would like to hang around as French did in WW2 it is not an option for us . Who will rescue us ? French? Russians? Nobody going to help to the USA as USA did help others during WW2

The war is in trouble, there is no doubt about that

But we are in big trouble on the battle field not because we are fighting war but because we are trying to fight POLITICALLY CORRECT WAR.

Bush has no guts to do what he should do, to let our army fight it . Instead he tried to be a diplomatic with moronic pretences for war (WMD) and with stupid talk about spread of democracy as our goal. Our goal is to be safe and preventive actions against states like Iraq were needed. It is like to tell police you cannot stop violence on the street with violence, you have to treat criminals like people ( and they are people) and try to persuade them to change their behavior, to win hearts and minds of criminals. Our main problem is mind set of people in the USA who are anti-war because they want everything to be nice and everybody to be nice and they are very upset when it is not happening. I would call that aggressive wishful thinking


Filed under Bush, France, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Nazi, Nazi Germany, Pacifism, Perl Harbor, Russia, United States, USA, war, WW2