Category Archives: republican debates

McCain versus Romney

CNN super Tuesday republican debates;

McCain versus Romney:

“ I am a leader and I was leading out of patriotism not for profit.”

Does it mean that McCain is discounting all those who are making a leaving by making a profit by entrepreneurship? Is it enough to be hero to diminish all those who are keeping economy running by making personal profits?  How can McCain be a president of the USA if he is mocking the idea of making profit in the USA?

May be he should just apply for position of Defense secretary in Romney administration?

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, debate, debates, McCain, Mitt Romney, politic, republican debates, republican TV debates, Republicans

Ron Paul versus OBAMA?

Watching republican debates on FOX

Ron Paul: republican party is threatening to Iran and Pakistan

Wait a second was it OBAMA who was going to attack Pakistan? Name me one republican who did advocate this idea

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, anti-war, Barack Obama, debate, debates, fox, Iran, Islamic Republic, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamo fascism, liberal, Obama, Pakistan, republican debates, republican TV debates, Ron Paul, United States, USA, war