Category Archives: two Americas

Fox TV debates

OK debates are over. Whom do I like?

None of them! All of them said smart things occasionally (even Paul: about not sending money to Arabs). But none of them have an articulated position which would make me sure that they are ready for dealing with today’s problems.

I will have to vote for one of them because on the other side (democrats) are certified demagogues with no practical experience at all.

Is it not funny how Democrats are picking on the record of Rudy Giuliani and/or Mike Huckabee? Democrats are in excellent position to criticize. They themselves made no mistakes because they never did anything. What Obama or Edwards accomplished other than speeches? Speech about two Americas, Speech about change in America, Speech about two changes in one America, Speech about multiple Americas with many changes… you pick, your choice. But what other than speeches? OK, Obama you are asking for change. Is not a time to change a tune, Obama?

I would say republicans suppose they have an easy target. Against them are a bunch of well trained certified demagogues with no accomplishments and experience. But republicans seem not ready to get this target. Not yet. I start looking on Romney, since “my guy” Duncan Hunter is out.

This guy at least has a proven economic/business accomplishments.

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, Bush, Duncan Hunter, GOP, Huckabee, McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Obama, Republicans, Ron Paul, two Americas