Category Archives: Joe Biden

10 thing which I know about Obama

there are 10 thing which i know about Obama and which will never allow  me to vote for him

1. He did break the promise of public financing

2. he spent 20+ years in racist’s Church of Jeremiah Wright

3. He never disclosed his internet donors

4. he is affiliated with Acorn which is involved in voter registration fraud

5. he did nothing in his life other than writing books about himself and his father

6. he is proven plagiarist

7. he is playing race card all the time

8. he is going to spread wealth around taking from those who made it to give to those who need it ( classical socialism)

9. he is tied not only with terrorists Bill Ayers style but with his radical Islamic relatives

see this :

10.he has on the ticket another certified plagiarist and another demagogue who did nothing other than speeches who in addition he is obvious idiot ( and they are dare to smear Sarah Palin, Having cretin Biden on the ticket))

and one more: he never  voiced an oppstion  to corrupted democrats such as Pelosi, Dodd , Frank, Rangel and others …never


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, Biden, democrats, Dodd, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pelosi, Reed, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter

Obama, Palin and the real change

Obama is young, eloquent, good looking, gives excellent speeches and doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills”. He is definitely making history by that. I do agree. But, guess what ? Now, there is a new person in the race. This person is younger, better looking , more eloquent than Obama and making speeches which Obama can just dream about. This person does not look like those presidents on the dollar bills either. Considering that color of a dollar bill is green ( not white and black ) this person look even less like those presidents on the dollar bills than Obama, because she is a women !

This person is Sarah Palin! And she is making history today !  She is authentic, she is  real, and she represents the  change which Obama trying to pretend  to be.


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, Biden, Bush, democrats, GOP, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, politic, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA

If Obama will die is Pelosi ready ?

Absolutely excellent point by John Keitel of digitalartpress blog :” If Barack Obama died and Joe Biden became President House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Joe Biden is old, just a old a McCain. “ ( read it )
So Pelosi is two hart beats from presidency and what commander-in-chief’s experience she has?? What are we going to do with that ?

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, Biden, Bristol Palin, democrats, GOP, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pelosi, politic, propaganda, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter