Category Archives: Mexico

what Mexicans themselves are doing with their illegals?

If this bill would not be killed, then the USA would be doomed to do by this bill with its own illegals the opposite to what Mexicans themselves are doing with their illegals .

The point is that what the USA is doomed to do by this bill with its own illigals is opposite to what Mexicans themselves are doing with their illigals . Read the Memo From Mexico, By Allan Wall titled the “More Hypocrisy: How Mexico Handles Its Own Illegal Immigration”
Read this :
“the Mexican government mistreats ‘indocumentados’ that cross its territory, it keeps them in jails, in overcrowded conditions, many times without food, without medical attention and overall, violating their human rights.”
Mauricio Farath, another CNDH official, reported that in some Mexican states, Central Americans “go to the municipal jails, where they stay for days and weeks. In some small rooms there are dozens of them and they do not separate the men and the women.” [CNDH: Aquí se criminaliza a los ilegales, Victor Ballinas Enviado, December 21st, 2005]
And so on, and etc.
So Mexican are demanding that the USA would leave Mexico wishes and themselves would be free to ignore the rules they want to impose on the USA?

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Filed under illegal immigration, immigration, legal immigration, Mexico, news, politic