Category Archives: anti-Semitism

Who is voting for Ron Paul?

Is Ron Paul popular??? Yes he is! Does it mean that he is right? No, it does not. Why is Ron Paul is popular? Because racism and anti-Semitism still have a lot of fans in this country. Fight anti-Semitism and racism of Ron Paul, fight arrogant isolationism, say a word against Ron Paul. In the meantime….whatever you do, do not say anything, if you want …. after all, KKK have to have somebody to vote for.


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, anti-Semitism, GOP, politic, racism, Republicans

Why daily kos hates Lieberman?

Because in 2006 “Daily Kos put itself totally in the service of Lamont.” And still Liebermann not just won but won decisively . So, Liebermann exposed lack of influence of daily kos on normal people . Liebermann proved that daily kos is overrated politically or at least he proved that you can deal against daily kos successfully. Who knows may be if daily kos did not help Lamont in 2006 Lamont would win???

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, anti-Semitism, daily kos, hatemongering, Liebermann, politic

Why am I not a democrat? KKK + daily kos + senator Dodd

Daily Kos is KKK of nowadays.

Convention by left wing nuts with “all paranoia conspiracy theories” collected together is OK for free country ( against which these nuts are all trying to make a case ). But any ” reputable ” politician who associates him/ herself with this celebrations of political intolerance is marked as hatemongering for me. You cannot claim USA voters‘ votes and be in KKK in the same time, and the daily kos is KKK of the left today.

Same anti-Semitism, same intolerance , same demagoguery, same KKK-like IDEOLOGY DRIVEN actions , same disregard to the good of own country.

So who are those democrat candidates who are attending this festivity of intolerance in the USA today ??

Hillary will attend YearlyKos

I do agree with Patrick who made this comment :

“This is political suicide for them, the majority of America doesn’t
support or read Daily Kos… they are a hateful far left website.
Even the majority of left wingers will be turned off by this. Unless
they change their minds about this, this is going to hurt them long
term I would think. ?”

All main candidates from democratic side had to make their sacrifices on the ALTAR of daily kos. But Dodd went beyond of all of them. may be because he is a biggest looser or may be just he is the most stupid of all of them.

In anyway, today , senator Dodd and Daily Kos are two reasons why I am not a democrat.

I watched the piece with Dodd and O’Reilly on the Fox . For the record: I am not a fan of O’Reilly in anyway. I think O’Reilly is incapable to withstand a serious discussion, he is too self- absorbed and not intellectual enough. I am not a fan of republicans either. I voted republican last time but I feel myself independent after failure of Bush to fight the war as it must be fought ,thinking of our troops first and of anything else later .

So, I am not a partisan person . But what I found out after this segment with Dodd and O’Reilly on Fox is that I am accidentally ( may be )on the right side .I see no nutcases like Dodd on the side of republicans. I see that Dodd was beneath O’Reilly .Dodd was hysterical typical … left nut , because he is typical democrat today ???

Dodd’s logic is that because too many people are visiting daily kos it makes daily kos beyond criticism for, for example , disgusting mockery of Liebermann is the same as anybody would defend pedophiles and sex offenders are using the web to justify their addictions . There are too many people who are visiting pornography and pedophile sites , does it make it justified? Would democrats visit pedophile’s and pornographers’ conventions just because there are many people are visiting sites of that kind? I guess they would, and this is why I am not a democrat today.


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, anti-Semitism, anti-war, daily kos, democrats, Dodd, fox, GOP, Liebermann, O'Reilly, politic, Republicans

Newsweek: if Muslims in USA will not be happy we all pay the price

I do not read Newsweek . I but thanks do DR Bulldog and his article I paid attention of this piece . Please read my note blow understanding that my notes addressed not against Muslims but against Newsweek and its interpretation of problems of Muslims in America.

“After the attacks “our responsibilities changed,” says Mohiuddin, who emigrated from India when he was 17. “It forced people to say, ‘Where do I stand? Either I walk away from the faith or I become more involved in defending the faith, which [is] under assault’.”

defending the faith, which [is] under assault?????

Wait a second, it was us who were attacked. And, correct me if I am wrong, all those who attacked us were Muslims!! I am not saying that Muslims attacked us, but I am stating the simple fact that those who attacked us were Muslims.

“The Council on American Islamic Relations, an advocacy group, counted nearly 2,500 civil-rights complaints by Muslim Americans in 2006, a dramatic increase over the previous year.

It may mean that there is more of violations but it may be mean that there are more complains ( including these which were inspired by propaganda of Newsweek)

“These are the kinds of stories that make news—women who sue for the right to wear the hijab in their driver’s license photo”

Wait a second: what kind of civil rights violations we are talking about??? The right to have a driver license without showing a face on the license ??? Why Muslim have to have more rights than me? Nobody would allow me to have a license without my face on it .

Are Muslims, according to author, better than me. More special??

“The six imams who were pulled off a US Airways flight last fall after praying openly at a Minneapolis airport gate have sued the airline and the airport commission for civil-rights violations.”

Nobody argues that Muslims have no right to pray. It does not mean however that have special right to pray anywhere, anytime with disregard of others. If I would start praying for example on sidewalk of a highway a trooper would be interested in me in the very same moment. You want to pray? Go to mosque! End of story

“I think the poll miscaptures what’s being said,” he says. “There is such a thing as legitimate resistance to oppression, and there is terrorism on both sides. It’s wrong, but there’s also the right to resist.”


Who said that ? Operative of Hamas ? Leader of Hezbollah? None of the above. Those are words of executive director of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Detroit.

I am not going into whole Israeli -Arab question for right now but the message of Mr. director of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Detroit is until Israeli issue will be not resolved ( and we all know what that means) USA cannot rely on its own Muslims. Is that a message? Give us Israel to pacify us?

“The poll numbers, in his view, don’t point to a threat of homegrown suicide bombers, but to a passionate defense of a resistance movement—the way, 30 years ago, an Irish-American teenager would have supported the IRA.”

IRA did not present the global religion which is in state of holy war with my country.

Did I miss something or we still talking about religion which is under flag of Jihad calling to kill Americans everywhere? You want a fair comparison ? <b>The fair comparison with IRA would be adequate if IRA would declare a holy war on all non Catholics and start killing them around the world for that being non Catholics, That would be case . But it is not.

“For him, the bombing of Afghanistan that followed was much more tragic and painful.”

Just one question was similarly painful to him bombing of Belgrade? When Americas were bombing Serbs protecting Muslims in Yugoslavia?? Or this particular bombing was OK?

If indeed “the Lackawanna Six were vulnerable boys seduced by a charismatic radical.”

First of all the executive director of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Detroit who is saying that violence against Israel is “There is such a thing as legitimate resistance to oppression” is excellent inspiration for them as well.

Second of all: if charismatic radical is to be blamed , then why instead of condemning “charismatic radical” ( sounds like a honorable title in this context) they are running stories about alleged anti-Arab racism like an excuse for terrorism? If you so understanding to your “vulnerable boys” have some understanding to other “vulnerable boys” who may be “ frustrated” with 9/11 and with Jihad declared against t their country , anti-cartoon paranoia and beheading of infidels.

May our “vulnerable boys “ are as “vulnerable boys” as yours ?/ Did you ever had this thought??

Article ended with a statement which in this context sounds like a chilling threat :

“Losing Jamil Ahmed and Autri Sajedeen would be the worst thing in the world—not just for them, but for all of us.”

Meaning if Muslims in USA will not be happy we all pay the price


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, 9/11, Afghanistan, Al-qaida, Analysis, anti-Semitism, Arab, Arabs, Balkans, Belgrade, Council on American Islamic Relations, Hamas, IRA, Islam, Islamo fascism, Israel, Jihad, middle east, Muslim American, Muslim terrorism, Muslims, Newsweek, racism, religion, Yugoslavia

Al Sharpton makes me vote for Duncan Hunter Thank you AL!!! you are the best!!!

When Reverend Al Sharpton is getting the seat of host in Chris Mathews show, it explains a lot about the nature of Chris Mathews show.

Ok let me see :

Reverend Al Sharpton, the person who in front of the TV cameras declares that all Duke LaCrosse 3 players are GUILTY?

Al Sharpton who “ organized crowds of protestors, screaming about “bloodsucking Jews” and “Jew bastards” and threatening to “burn the building down.

Al Sharpton who “never apologized for his remarks against Pagones. “

Who, when “in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section erupted after 7-year old Gavin Cato, a black child, was accidentally killed by an out-of-control car driven by a Hasidic Jew” organized angry demonstrations and challenged local Jews.

The guy who is in “1983 FBI surveillance video in which Sharpton was taped discussing a money-laundering scheme with mobster-turned-informant Michael Franzese, onetime captain for the Colombo crime family.”

so this anti-Semitic hatemongering criminally-connected guy is hosting Chris Mathews show?

Yes he is!!!

What it the most amusing part of all this circus, this anti-Semitic racist is using example of Coulter as personal attacker”? This goes beyond imaginable limits of common sense. I had a lot of personal discussions online during last days about “Coulter versus Edwards“ case and the general sentiment of those who are on the left is that Coulter is a hate-mongering personal attacker. What about Sharpton??? He made his name on spreading hate and left is OK with that and Chris Mathews is making him a host of this show? Actually this show deserves Al Sharpton as a host. I am just wondering who is the next in line to get a seat on the host chair in the Chris Mathews show? Osama bin Laden??

But I actually want to thank both Mathews and Al Sharpton for bringing to my attention a person for whom it is worth to vote. I mean Duncan Hunter. He was a terrific on the show and just started my research on him. Whom before this show I did not consider seriously to vote for. you see : never loose your optimism even from watching such show as Mathews/Sharpton show can be extracted some use


Filed under Al Sharpton, anti-Semitism, Chris Mathews, Coulter, Duke LaCrosse, Duncan Hunter, Edwards, Elisabeth Edwards, voter

Is Carter running for Palestinian presidency? Mr. Carter could be excellent Palestinian president.

Carter’s position on the takeover by HAMAS in Gaza is obviously immoral because he praises killing of political opponents (Hamas did kill Fattah people, did it?). Besides, it is grossly illogical as well.


“Bush administration’s refusal to accept Hamas‘ 2006 election victory was ‘criminal’.”

Why is that Bush did refuse to accept Hamas’ 2006 election victory? He never did!

He made his choice to not collaborate with Hamas but he never refuse to accept Hamas‘ 2006 election victory. Nobody in the White House ever denied legitimacy of Hamas’ 2006 election victory. But it was Palestinians who elected Hamas. Palestinian voters have no power over White House decision making. May be Mr. Carter could be excellent Palestinian president, but so far Bush is the president of USA and he can choose with whom to collaborate and with whom to not collaborate. For Mr. Carter commitment of Hamas to destroy Israel is not an obstacle to collaboration, which is quite strange for such a peaceful person. For Bush it is an obstacle. Let us presume that a party committed to destroy France would win in German election. Would USA collaborate with such government ? I doubt it. So why Jews have to be inferior to Germans? Blunted anti-Semitism and liberal demagoguery are mixed in Carter head in very strange mixture. He failed to differentiate not collaborating with blood thirsty terrorists with refusing to accept the fact of Hamas‘ 2006 election victory. Hamas did win election , nobody denies that. But it imposes no obligation on USA to collaborate with party denying right to exists to state created by UN just because it wins its country election. Palestinians voted for Hamas and it means everything for Palestinians and nothing for anybody else.


“Carter said Hamas, besides winning a fair and democratic mandate that should have entitled it to lead the Palestinian government, had proven itself to be far more organized in its political and military showdowns with Abbas’ moderate Fatah movement.” Source :

“Winning a fair and Democratic mandate…that should have entitled HAMAS to lead the Palestinian government.” Abbas did win his election as well, as far as I understand winning election by Hamas gave Hamas only the majority of parliament, but did not override the power of the President, who won his “fair and Democratic” elections. Do Democrats in US by winning 2006 elections and getting majority in parliament got the right for military coup as Hamas did? What kind of logic is that ? How a politician ( even with such bad reputation, proven plagiarist and supporter of all anti American forces in the world dictatorship including open dictatorships as Cuba ) could justify killing of political opponents ? And this guy once won Peace Nobel Price? Hamas looted Garter’s partner for Nobel peace Arafat and stole his medal. Is that the sign of discipline of Hamas which so impressed Mr. Carter? Hamas did loot everything it could, is that in eyes of Carter a sign of discipline? Source


Let us say Hamas is as disciplined as Carter see it. So what ? Many gangs around the world are highly disciplined and proficient in what they do, does that make them morally right? Since when USA chooses to collaborate not with the most righteous but with most disciplined force? Colombian narco-cartels are very disciplined too. Are they appealing to Mr. Carter as potential political partners?


Filed under anti-Semitism, Bush, Carter, Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, liberal