Category Archives: Dodd

10 thing which I know about Obama

there are 10 thing which i know about Obama and which will never allow  me to vote for him

1. He did break the promise of public financing

2. he spent 20+ years in racist’s Church of Jeremiah Wright

3. He never disclosed his internet donors

4. he is affiliated with Acorn which is involved in voter registration fraud

5. he did nothing in his life other than writing books about himself and his father

6. he is proven plagiarist

7. he is playing race card all the time

8. he is going to spread wealth around taking from those who made it to give to those who need it ( classical socialism)

9. he is tied not only with terrorists Bill Ayers style but with his radical Islamic relatives

see this :

10.he has on the ticket another certified plagiarist and another demagogue who did nothing other than speeches who in addition he is obvious idiot ( and they are dare to smear Sarah Palin, Having cretin Biden on the ticket))

and one more: he never  voiced an oppstion  to corrupted democrats such as Pelosi, Dodd , Frank, Rangel and others …never


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, Biden, democrats, Dodd, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pelosi, Reed, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter

Why am I not a democrat? KKK + daily kos + senator Dodd

Daily Kos is KKK of nowadays.

Convention by left wing nuts with “all paranoia conspiracy theories” collected together is OK for free country ( against which these nuts are all trying to make a case ). But any ” reputable ” politician who associates him/ herself with this celebrations of political intolerance is marked as hatemongering for me. You cannot claim USA voters‘ votes and be in KKK in the same time, and the daily kos is KKK of the left today.

Same anti-Semitism, same intolerance , same demagoguery, same KKK-like IDEOLOGY DRIVEN actions , same disregard to the good of own country.

So who are those democrat candidates who are attending this festivity of intolerance in the USA today ??

Hillary will attend YearlyKos

I do agree with Patrick who made this comment :

“This is political suicide for them, the majority of America doesn’t
support or read Daily Kos… they are a hateful far left website.
Even the majority of left wingers will be turned off by this. Unless
they change their minds about this, this is going to hurt them long
term I would think. ?”

All main candidates from democratic side had to make their sacrifices on the ALTAR of daily kos. But Dodd went beyond of all of them. may be because he is a biggest looser or may be just he is the most stupid of all of them.

In anyway, today , senator Dodd and Daily Kos are two reasons why I am not a democrat.

I watched the piece with Dodd and O’Reilly on the Fox . For the record: I am not a fan of O’Reilly in anyway. I think O’Reilly is incapable to withstand a serious discussion, he is too self- absorbed and not intellectual enough. I am not a fan of republicans either. I voted republican last time but I feel myself independent after failure of Bush to fight the war as it must be fought ,thinking of our troops first and of anything else later .

So, I am not a partisan person . But what I found out after this segment with Dodd and O’Reilly on Fox is that I am accidentally ( may be )on the right side .I see no nutcases like Dodd on the side of republicans. I see that Dodd was beneath O’Reilly .Dodd was hysterical typical … left nut , because he is typical democrat today ???

Dodd’s logic is that because too many people are visiting daily kos it makes daily kos beyond criticism for, for example , disgusting mockery of Liebermann is the same as anybody would defend pedophiles and sex offenders are using the web to justify their addictions . There are too many people who are visiting pornography and pedophile sites , does it make it justified? Would democrats visit pedophile’s and pornographers’ conventions just because there are many people are visiting sites of that kind? I guess they would, and this is why I am not a democrat today.


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, anti-Semitism, anti-war, daily kos, democrats, Dodd, fox, GOP, Liebermann, O'Reilly, politic, Republicans