Category Archives: United States

10 thing which I know about Obama

there are 10 thing which i know about Obama and which will never allow  me to vote for him

1. He did break the promise of public financing

2. he spent 20+ years in racist’s Church of Jeremiah Wright

3. He never disclosed his internet donors

4. he is affiliated with Acorn which is involved in voter registration fraud

5. he did nothing in his life other than writing books about himself and his father

6. he is proven plagiarist

7. he is playing race card all the time

8. he is going to spread wealth around taking from those who made it to give to those who need it ( classical socialism)

9. he is tied not only with terrorists Bill Ayers style but with his radical Islamic relatives

see this :

10.he has on the ticket another certified plagiarist and another demagogue who did nothing other than speeches who in addition he is obvious idiot ( and they are dare to smear Sarah Palin, Having cretin Biden on the ticket))

and one more: he never  voiced an oppstion  to corrupted democrats such as Pelosi, Dodd , Frank, Rangel and others …never


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, Biden, democrats, Dodd, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pelosi, Reed, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter

Eagleburger :Barack Obama is a charlatan

I just watched on TV as the Former Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger called Barack Obama a charlatan. I thought it will make a news. No way! Silence over the internet and overt the news outlets

“Governor,…I do not even share your view about Barack Obama. I think he is a charlatan… I think he is a phony… I am sorry but I do….I have all sorts of evidence for it starting with the way he raises money without any responsibility, spends it and then has the ACORN running around trying to keep show that the right voters vote…”

There are two places wher I found the quote :

one is and another is

Molodva is the former soviet union republic seems more informed about USA politic when it goes to negative to Obama comments. Thank you Moldova for keeping us informed!

Can you imagine how comment of anybody of Eagleburger’s status would be all around all our “free” press if it would be about McCain or Sarah Palin?

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, election 2008, GOP, McCain, Obama, politic, propaganda, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter

polls: Obama Loses 2/3rds Of His Lead In One Week

interesting article : Another Poll Shocker – Obama Loses 2/3rds Of His Lead In One Week

and very interesting reader’s comment in the discussion:

Here’s an anecdote. I received a robo call from Rasmussen earlier this year (during the primaries). The reason I picked up the phone was because the name “Rasmussen” came up on the caller ID!! Gee, I wonder who this is? OK I’ll play. The robo call then led you through a series of questions, to which you responded by typing in a number from your phone (e.g. “on a scale of 1 – 9 please describe yourself, very liberal = 1, very conservative = 9″). You could, of course, pass yourself off as anything from Bob the rightwinger to Bob the progressive! Since you don’t talk with a live person, it would be difficult to detect mischief with this approach.

So the question is – How accurate is a “random” poll when poll-ee can refuse to answer (i.e. not pick up the phone) or, knowing who the pollster is (as in my case) can deliberately give false answers (I didn’t BTW)? The traditional measures of “margin of error” go right out the window, and the accuracy of such polls should be questioned. And I’m sure the collection techniques of other pollsters are just as bad as Rasmussen’s…

comment by archtopon 30 Oct 2008 at 3:32 pmon

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, democrats, election 2008, GOP, news, Obama, poll, propaganda, Rasmussen, Republicans, United States, USA, voter

is Obama socialist?

“Now, because he knows that his economic theories don’t work, he’s been spending these last few days calling me every name in the book. Lately he’s called me a socialist for wanting to roll-back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class. I don’t know what’s next. By the end of the week he’ll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten. I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” read

Such a blatant demagoguery!


if Obama shared his toys with others it is not a socialism . This is correct . However , when he starts sharing “other kids toys” with himself and with those who he thinks is entitled for “toys” it is the socialism , the big one .


He never shared his personal wealth with anybody other than racist church of Jeremiah Wright .

read this :

“What is surprising, given the recent controversy over Obama’s membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ, is how little the Obamas apparently gave to charity — well short of the biblical 10% tithe for all seven years.  In two of the years, the Obamas gave far less than 1% of their income to charity; in three of the years, they gave around 1% of their income to charity.  Only in the last two years have they given substantially more as their income skyrocketed — 4.7% in 2005 and 6.1% in 2006.  (Of course, it is possible that the Obamas may have made gifts to other worthy causes that were not deductible for federal income tax purposes.)” read

He is eager to share other people’s wealth. Reversed generosity. He is generous with other people’s money and greedy with his own.

This guy is truly amazing , he is lecturing me on generosity when I gave ( in ratio to my income) more to charity than he did?

# 3. Obama want to ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ it is undeniable . watch it . And it is undeniable socialism. No demagoguery will help to distort this fact


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, democrats, economy, election 2008, GOP, Lenin, Leninism, McCain, news, Obama, politic, propaganda, Republicans, United States, USA, voter

media for Obama

The Media wants BO to win so badly that they will shamelessly push this false narrative for his Campaign. They want you and ALL McCain Supporters to believe that your vote will be meaningless, that he is so far ahead it’s unnecessary to vote for McCain.

read more

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Barack Obama, Biden, GOP, media, Obama, politic, Republicans, United States, USA

are you are better today than you were two years ago?

if you are better today than you were two years ago, then go ahead and vote for Obama,Reed,Pelosi and Barney Frank. In 2006 economy was OK. Since this gang took over congress, things are really scary. Obama stands  for 4 more years of Reed,Pelosi and Barney Frank multiplied by Jeremiah Wright. Republicans did not do anyhow good during their tenure. The only ones  who can make it even worst are democrats. things are bad today . you want for the sake of a change to make things  worst, then vote for messiah, join the cult


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, Biden, economy, election 2008, GOP, McCain, Obama, Pelosi, politic, Reed, Republicans, United States, USA

Obama, Palin and the real change

Obama is young, eloquent, good looking, gives excellent speeches and doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills”. He is definitely making history by that. I do agree. But, guess what ? Now, there is a new person in the race. This person is younger, better looking , more eloquent than Obama and making speeches which Obama can just dream about. This person does not look like those presidents on the dollar bills either. Considering that color of a dollar bill is green ( not white and black ) this person look even less like those presidents on the dollar bills than Obama, because she is a women !

This person is Sarah Palin! And she is making history today !  She is authentic, she is  real, and she represents the  change which Obama trying to pretend  to be.


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, Biden, Bush, democrats, GOP, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, politic, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA

If Obama will die is Pelosi ready ?

Absolutely excellent point by John Keitel of digitalartpress blog :” If Barack Obama died and Joe Biden became President House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Joe Biden is old, just a old a McCain. “ ( read it )
So Pelosi is two hart beats from presidency and what commander-in-chief’s experience she has?? What are we going to do with that ?

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Barack Obama, Biden, Bristol Palin, democrats, GOP, Joe Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pelosi, politic, propaganda, Republicans, Sara Palin, Sarah Palin, United States, USA, voter

Palin’s daughter punished by a baby?

OK, Palin’s daughter is pregnant.
Would we know about that if she would have an abortion? We would not. So in eyes of democrats Palin ‘s daughter is “punished by a baby”
as their messiah defined that.
We need real not corrupted honest politicians and guess what? All of them are real mortal people. I would rather accept VPs daughter not planed pregnancy than I would accept my potential president who voluntarily for all life of his daughters kept them in a racist church.
Obama raised his daughters under a guidance of Jeremiah Right ! Tell me who is better parent , Palin whose daughter pregnant or Obama who raised her daughters feeding them poisonous ideas of certified racist?
Understood , they will not leave Palin alone, but at least admit that if it would be Obama’s daughter a baby would be already slaughtered without a noise to avoid a “punishment by a baby”.

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, Analysis, Bush, GOP, McCain, news, Obama, Palin, politic, United States, USA, voter

Palin versus Obama

I was going to quit my blog after Mac got nominated. I saw no point to fight. Mac is not my kind of guy. However, Palin’s pick changed the equation for me. I see the point. I see the possibility of real changes for good future, not harmful changes which bring us to past, changes Obama-style.

I am not a fan of MAC (look through my postings) but I think that Obama is a disaster: this circus on the Dem’s convention just proved that he is a cult leader with a bad taste and paranoid ego. He has no ideas other that “us versus them” “trash America first” and “take from rich and give to others.”

Anybody can give a real idea from Obamas’s agenda? I do not see any!

Guy whom nobody knew a few years ago and who did nothing in his life other than reading speeches written or plagiarized by others, is now trashing Palin (using surrogates, of course) for… inexperience. It is funny because Obama/Biden is the most inexperienced ticket in the history of the USA. Other than demagoguery in Congress as a substitute for experience, they did nothing.

Biden spent in the congress all his life!!! He knows nothing but Congress. Same story with Obama (he is just younger and lacking even this ephemeral experience).

If Obama or Biden are such good statesmen, then why congress has such a low approval rating?

Help me understand: they are trashing Bush for low rating but the organization for with the work and of which they, as Democrats, are in charge for last few years already has rating even lower than Bush ?

Please tell me is any other ticket in the USA history has two senators and senators who did nothing than “senating” during their entire life?

Dems got two senators on the ticket, two men who did nothing but reading speeches and writing papers.

And now Palin came!

Palin is a risky choice. But she definitely has executive experience which none of other contenders (including MAC) have.
This is the fact: she is governor. Neither Biden nor Obama ever were responsible for anything concrete: state, city, town, village… nothing! Other that “issues” speeches and words, words, words. If something for what they are responsible in senate goes wrong they always can find excuse (Bush is a terrific excuse for everything for example). When you are mayor of a town it is you who is responsible for the results, not your political opponent. This kind of experience we need now, not demagoguery!

I am considering voting for real change!!! For the real person!
I am considering voting for ticket McCain/ Palin. If she is what we know about her at this moment: a reformer, a governor and a head of the state, a mayor of a town, a  fiscal conservative and a fighter  against corruption, then she is the change, not Obama.

If indeed she is popular in her state which she governs then she is a real deal. Because being popular by reading teleprompter under fireworks it is a different kind of popularity it is a popularity of a pop star not a statesman.

I wonder would Obama handle being a mayor of a town, to be governor and stay popular. I do not know and nobody knows: guy did nothing verifiable in his life. We know about Palin she can do things for real. What Obama did for real in his life?

Palin is the real change which Obama just pretends to be!


Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, GOP, politic, Republicans, United States, USA