Tag Archives: appeasement

Obama and appeasement

My questions to Obama about appeasement


All Bush was saying is that he is again appeasement. Does all the hysteria in dems camp shows that democrats are against “ anti- appeasement” remarks of Bush? If so why ? Are they are pro – appeasement?



“There is a strong bipartisan tradition of engaging in that kind of diplomacy,” Obama told reporters” source

If USA did everything so perfectly correct before, and all we need is go back to what we had before in foreign policy, why then after all successes of 60s ,70s , 80s and 90s which which Obama is referring us to, “ suddenly “ 9/11 happened? May be it was a price to pay previous for appeasement in Lebanon, Somali, U.S.S. Kole etc?


“They’ve got to answer for the fact that Iran is the greatest strategic beneficiary of our invasion of Iraq. It made Iran stronger, George Bush’s policies,” source

Hitler was a natural counterbalance to Stalin. Defeat of Germany in WW2 made USSR a regional superpower. Does it mean that we should not fight Hitler in order to keep the balance on?

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Filed under 2008 vote, 2008 voter, 9/11, Analysis, Clinton, GOP, Iraq, McCain, Obama, politic, Republicans, United States, USA, war